New Updates for Tuesday, October 27, 2020

An overview of this week's web and admin updates

Green Heart Added scrolling to the Profile image upload screen to help users with zoomed-in browsers when updating their images
Green Heart Implemented ability for users to select or create Topics of Interest when Onboarding to our Platform
Green Heart Updated logic when joining or leaving a breakout room for the countdown prompt to begin even if a participant is in a different tab
Green Heart Added hover states for participants action bar (Audio, Video, Screenshare)
Green Heart Fine-tuned dragging and dropping behavior when assigning participants to Breakout rooms
Green Heart Removed the ability to create and edit Symphonies from the Admin site but it is still available on Web
Green Heart Changed Video & Audio controls to be a single state/flag between Hosts and Participants
Green Heart Implemented some color fixes for the Video & Audio thumbnails for better visibility into each participants setting
Green Heart Minor adjustments for participants without profile pics and increasing initials size when shown in Gallery View
Green Heart Update copy for the Ask a Question button to just say "Present" not "Present to Participants"
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue showing a flashing white screen when opening a survey
Lady Beetle Fixed a grey bar appearing beneath participant videos when enabling or disabling video in gallery view
Lady Beetle Updated for admins that join as a regular participant to not see host controls
Lady Beetle Fixed some formatting discrepancies on our Schedule Registration Site
Lady Beetle Fixed alignment of the Schedule image thumbnail with the Schedule name & subtitle for our Schedule List View
Lady Beetle Fixed caching issue that continued to show the Compete Menu in Web even after it was disabled
Lady Beetle Fixed error message showing when user tried to edit a Direct Message
Green Heart Added some columns to our User and Attendee Import Excel including Biographies and Social Fields
Green Heart Implemented the ability to disable the Group Sub-Menu within the People Menu
Lady Beetle Addressed broken UI on Web for Groups with only one member
Lady Beetle Fixed some spacing issues in the Registration Invitation Email
Lady Beetle Fixed loading issue for Safari browser versions 14+
Live Feed
Green Heart Added a Confirmation message when admin is deleting a Live Feed Poll Survey warning them it also deletes the Poll in the actual Live Feed
Green Heart Implemented the ability to deep-link any Live Feed feed within a notification
Green Heart Updated the notification export to include notifications with any status, previously it only exported delivered notifications
Event Management
Green Heart Added an Event License Type drop-down field to the Event Details section
Green Heart Updated logic when duplicating an event with schedule items duplicated it doesn't have Online Meeting Details enabled by default
Account Management
Green Heart Removed the Account License field and implemented a checkbox to indicate our Enterprise accounts
Green Heart Updated content logic and copy for our automatic Appointment Reminder Emails to provide more clarity on your immediate upcoming appointments