Schedule - Labels (Admin Overview)

An overview on renaming Tracks and Locations to further create a bespoke event experience

Within Cadence, if you'd like to further customize your event to fit a specific theme, you may rename the label Tracks or Location.


Tracks are used extensively within Cadence. They're a descriptor for your schedule, but they may also be added to your event menu, added to your Home screen and linked to in Notifications. Due to their visibility within your event, organizers have requested to be able to rename Tracks to nomenclature such as Themes, Topics, Stages, Groups, Departments, Regions.

This is how Tracks will now display in your event:


Locations are often real locations, rooms, virtual platforms, or custom locations. As a result, you may want to rename Locations to Stages, Format, Virtual, Timezones for example.

Here's the example of how the Location field will be renamed. Now attendees may Refine by Meeting Platform as well.