New Updates for Week of February 15th, 2021

Please find below a list of our latest updates that are now LIVE!

Green Heart Added a bulk action for Appointments that allows an organizer or scheduler to send appointment email invites for Proposed appointments that have all required information filled in. Previously we only supported to resend appointment emails in Pending status. This is a legt time saver!

Green Heart Updated our tooltips for our People actions chaning them from 'Delete' to 'Remove' as that has caused some confusion that records were completely deleted when they were not.
Green Heart Improved logic and set up within People options giving more flexibility into controlling when to show attendees contact details and setting the ability to Direct Message and Video Chat with or without being connected per each event.
Lady Beetle Fixed and improved our processing for exports of user records including when there are many custom fields associated to a companies user profiles.

Green Heart Improved the Speaker adding workflow on Web including improvement on continous scroll through available customers, attendees and speakers and only queuing attendees of the event and not all users available.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that would fully delete a Speaker record when option to 'Delete' Speaker for an event in Web was selected. Now it will just remove the Speaker from the event.

Green Heart Made more improvements to the new Schedule Imports, now including an ooption to reimport and update existing schedule items using a custom ID per each schedule item.

Green Heart Updated logic to make sure that the Participant List shows if configured during Symphony edit even if Video/Audio is not enabled.

Green Heart Added an option for users to reach out to support when on the Spoiled instant log in website.

Account Management
Green Heart Updated and improved our Company Level Menu item icons.

Green Heart Updated our Events logic to not include country upon creation when event is virtual and no actual location was selected during the event creation process.
Lady Beetle Fixed an Event Configuration error that occurred when making updates to the Event License type.