New Updates for Week of July 31, 2023

Please find below a list of our latest updates that are now LIVE.

Green Heart Implemented the support of custom fields for the appointments form. An admin can select from different types of fields that should display on the form and refine filters for appointments.
Green Heart Added the ability to flag an appointment in the admin site, to exclude it in the reporting as a mutual appointment.
Green Heart Added two new columns for assistant phone and contact details to be included in the appointment export.
Green Heart Opened up the full-screen details view for appointments to all users.
Green Heart Made updates to the appointments analytics page. The charts and graphs now always only display data for appointments in pending (not in draft status) and confirmed status.

Green Heart Implemented the ability to see the numbers per status (checked in, no show, not yet checked in) for event check-ins.

Green Heart Implemented the ability to export a report on the company's analytics pages.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue for the date navigation not working for companies with appointment scheduling enabled.

Lady Beetle Addressed an issue that would only slowly load the appointment scheduling form when clicked from the customer master list view.
Lady Beetle Fixed logic for the events refine filter on the customer lists to only show events related to the events of the company.

Green Heart Refreshed our font to a closely related typeface, maintaining our sleek design while improving readability and accessibility.

Green Heart Improved the import upload screen on admin for our features when errors are detected in the Excel import. It more clearly tells you if a column is mislabeled or a row has errors.

Green Heart Added a new setting to the leads menu set up for notes. The setting will allow an admin to make entered notes only visible to the user that added the note and no one else. The admins can still run reports and access all notes on admin.

Green Heart Added the support for tracks to be added to the menu as a custom menu item for My Schedule. Up until now we only supported tracks to be shown for the Full Schedule menu.

Green Heart Updated the logic to allow regular users to create groups and add people to groups.

Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that would not show users the ability to change their password on web when in the profile edit mode.

Green Heart Updated our schedule import template with a better-clarifying copy for some of the column descriptions.

Green Heart Added support for a new field to enter flight numbers to the flight travel itinerary forms and reports.