Event check in is set up to properly ensure that people are checked in for an event. To enable this, you will navigate to the Admin site of your event and do the following:
In the left hand menu, click on People then Event Check-In
Check off Enable Attendee Check-In
Add a caption...
Enable Check-In Per Event Day - Allows attendees to be checked in per event day if needed. Report will have each signature captured and guests added per day if applicable.
Check-in per event day - Web view
Check-in per event day - App view
Enable Guests - Once you check someone in, it allows you to check off if they brought guests and then let's you add the number of guests.
Check in with guests - Web view
Guest count addition - Web view
Enable email and push-notification to user assistant when user is checked in for this event - This sends an email to the assistant that is assigned to the specific attendee (at the user profile level in Admin) that the attendee has checked in for the day.
Email verbiage sent to assistant (In this instance, check in per day and guests are enabled and shows the date and guest count. If per day or guests are not enabled, there will be no date or guest count)
Enable Signature Capture - Selecting this option will require the attendee to provide their signature in order to check in. Please note this functionality will only be available via the app.
Signature Capture check-in - App view only
Enable Customers Check-In - Add customers that will attend the event and allow them to be checked in.
To ensure a customer is added appropriately for check-in, you will make sure "Customers" is enabled as a menu item in Admin site. Then, navigate to the Web side of your event, find the customer that will need to be checked-in and mark them as "Attending"
Adding a customer (external user, no access to the platform) for check-in
To ensure whoever will be checking people in on-site knows the difference between an internal facing (has access to the app) or external facing (does not have access but still needs to be checked-in, you can change the labels of both Internal Attendees and Customers.
Located in Admin site
If you do not need to separate out people, you do not need to enable lists. If everyone who is in the event, just needs to be checked-in, you will be able to do so by navigating to the "People" section in your event on Web and Mobile.
If you have customers (external attendees who do NOT have access to the platform) or you prefer to have different lists (examples being; different hotels or physical locations to check-in at, different regions that will be together, different groups, etc) this is a good place to separate those out. You can create as many lists as you want to help keep everything organized.
Adding attendees to a list
All lists created
SCENARIO ONE: All attendees are added as users (have access to the platform/no customers) you will be able to check everyone in by navigating to the "People" section in your event on Web and Mobile.