New Updates for Week of August 15, 2022

Please find below a list of our latest updates that are now LIVE.

Green Heart Updated the appointment export separating the duration and appointment end time into their own separate columns.
Green Heart Improved the import pop-up screen to not show error validation copy when there actually are no errors in the import.
Green Heart Introduced a nicer loading design for the appointments list view when the appointments page is loading your list.
Green Heart Updated logic to show the info tooltip for cancelled appointments in the appointments list view. Previously you had to open the appointment details to see the info tooltip.
Green Heart Introduced the ability to import appointment availabilities in the admin for company represenatitives when appointment scheduling with invites is enabled for the company feature.
Green Heart Added a settings tab to the customer profile on admin that displays a customers time zone, detected when customers access ask customer links on their browsers.

Green Heart Added some explanation as to how the Background Motion Image works when it is set for an event in admin.
Green Heart Made an update for Event Manager user types to only see the 'View Admin' on events on web IF the event manager was assigned to the Event Manager role for an event. It will not show for Event Managers that are just attendees of an event.
Lady Beetle Fixed an alignment issue for the refine filters on the event listing page in the admin.
Green Heart Updated logic to allow all admin users to set home tile columns and alignments for events. This feature was previously only available for our internal use.
Green Heart Made design improvements to how pins on maps display, providing larger pins to ensure they are noticed better when viewing a map on web.
Green Heart Ensured we added required field indicators to the Notifications edit form.
Green Heart Introduced updated to our Event Manager user role. When setting up or editing the Event Manager role per user, you can now select if the person will be able to create new events withing their role. We also introduced a field at the Event Level under Events Team for Event Managers. This means you only need to add Event Managers to this field for them to gain access to an event they are supposed to manager. You will not need to add them as an attendee of an event.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that would prevent Event Managers to add attendees to an event via the admin page attendee add workflow.
Lady Beetle Addressed an issue that would not show the copy formatting set up on the admin site for text on the actual registration page on the web.
Lady Beetle Updated spacing issues and ensured they are the same between all the sections added for a registration page.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that would show the Online Meeting copy repeated on schedule item details pages when a custom URL was used as the meeting location.
Green Heart Updated error validation copy for clarity when trying to import speakers and linking them to users that belong to different accounts. We also made sure the info is clear in the description copy of the import template.