New Updates for Week of November 8, 2021

Please find below a list of our latest updates that are now LIVE

Green Heart Updated logic that ensured if a virtual ask customer is confirmed by a customer it includes the online meeting integration as the location
Green Heart Added new attributes for the different hybrid ask customer links to the email templates within the 'contact options'.
Green Heart Added the ability to copy the different hybrid ask customer links from within the options drop-down.
Green Heart Introduced a setting in admin for all appointments to get auto-confirmed IF there are no customers included AND a date and time are set for the appointments.
Green Heart Added a column in the appointment import template to specify appointment durations. If left blank in the import, the system will assign the default duration for the imported appointments.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that would not allow users to click on anything within the people pop-up, it would immediately close the pop-up instead.
Lady Beetle Updated logic that ensured when a hybrid ask customer link is shared the timezones displayed reflect according to the in-person and virtual timezones.

Green Heart Introduced the ability to upload a video for the hero header within a companies details page. It previously only supported a link for Youtube or Vimeo.

Green Heart Made updates to the scoring display on leaderboards to always keep displaying your standing on the board in focus regardless of being in the top 10 or being further down the list on the leaderboard.

Green Heart Introduced an option for hybrid events to mark if a customer is attending in-person or virtually.

Green Heart Improved the login page to not immediately show an error message when you haven't finished typing your email address yet.

Green Heart After updating our menu icons on the web recently we also made updates to these icons within our admin site both at the account and event level.

Green Heart Updated logic that now allows for onboarding to display with only the copy. So if topics and/or terms & conditions are not enabled you can still display a welcome message to your users upon login on the web.

Green Heart Added a virtual/in-person column to both the attendee import template and the attendee export report.
Green Heart Made some improvements to the invite workflow that allows an admin to save the invite copy to be reused for future invites within the same workflow.
Green Heart Added an alert notification before sending or resending attendee emails to confirm if you want to send emails to all attendees (even if they already received the email) O OR if you only wish to send to anyone who hasn't received an email yet.
Green Heart Introduced a setting in the attendee options on admin to determine if attendees can update their own attendee status (in-person or virtual) for hybrid events. By default, only admins can edit this status.

Green Heart Added an indicator for attendee profiles of hybrid events to display their attendee status (in-person or virtual). By default, an attendee can also reach out to the event organizer to change the status.
Green Heart Ensured that public profiles display the interest section to other attendees if you are not yet connected.

Green Heart Updated our registration email from not sending to an attendee that has previously registered. If they registered again it would inform them that they are already an attendee but it would also resend the email. That's just redundant!

Green Heart Made updates to reports for Symphony to always show both standalone symphonies and symphonies attached to schedule items (active or deleted).

Green Heart Introduced the ability to upload a video for the hero header within a schedule item details page. It previously only supported a link for Youtube or Vimeo.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that would reverse the custom speaker sort order for schedule items when an admin added or removed speakers.

Green Heart Updated logic that now allows asked questions to be only visible to hosts/co-hosts and moderators unless the symphony is enabled to display it to all participants.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that would not provide participants of breakouts with any audio or video options if the main Symphony was not set up to have audio or video.
Lady Beetle Addressed some Symphony issues where a promoted participant did not have audio or video controls upon being promoted.
Lady Beetle Fixed issue where hosts and co-hosts wouldn't display on the participants' list or on the join screen when they are already in the Symphony.