New Updates for Week of December 19, 2022

Please find below a list of our latest updates that are now LIVE.

Account Management
Green Heart Added the ability at the company account level to create email templates for events, which will show by default for all events and can be customized per each event as needed.
Green Heart Updated locations at the company account level to now show all rooms associated with a location. This allows for better management of locations and rooms selectable for all of your events.

Green Heart Reduced a click when checking in attendees via the appointment details screen on the web.
Green Heart Added the ability for admins to determine the virtual ask customer appointment availability for all required attendees. Previously we set the time from 7 AM to 7 PM for all events.
Green Heart Updated the logic that now sends attendees for hybrid events correct appointments times in the correct timezone depending on their attendance status virtual or in-person.
Green Heart Made updates to the logic for ask customer links when an appointment is marked as canceled in our system. It will now not allow a customer to book a time but instead show a message to reach out to the scheduler for scheduling assistance.
Green Heart Updated and added some details for the Attendance Status Report for appointments available at the event level under our reporting section.
Green Heart Made adjustments to the people pop-over designs of people of appointments viewed from the appointments list view for better readability.
Green Heart Further improved the recently updated contact options section for appointments. Such as adding copy needed for an explanation of the functionality and giving the email template preview a better treatment.
Green Heart Updated the people list view on appointment details to now display alphabetically for attendees' first names. This helps to easier spot someone if there are many attendees.
Green Heart Added a new attribute for the appointment date to our email template attributes.
Green Heart Introduced a new filter for the appointment status report that can be set up via the admin. It now allows selecting the appointment status.
Green Heart Reduced clicks for bulk actions in that a user now just clicks on the bulk action they want and is immediately navigated to the specific bulk action workflow.
Green Heart Moved the Decline option for appointments in the Proposed or Manually moved to Pending status to the options section for appointments.
Green Heart Added the ability to export the Invites Requested report for appointments directly from the web. It was previously only available on the admin site for admin users.
Green Heart Improved the horizontal scroll for rooms on the appointments location availability page. It now scrolls in sync for all times at the same time.

Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that would throw an error when creating a new company within a company group on the web.

Green Heart Edited the copy for locations set up for events. It now informs an admin that they can 'remove' a location from their event. We previously said it is 'deleted' the location which was not the proper label as they are kept at the account level.
Green Heart Made the shortcuts for the event website, registration page, app download and links, and QR codes responsive for when it's viewed on smaller browser windows.

Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that if no home tiles were added to the home screen would break the display on the web.

Lady Beetle Fixed an issue with the lead scanning analytics report showing incorrect event days on the graphics.

Live Feed
Green Heart Added the ability for admins to set the audience participation per feed. Previously it was only able to be enabled/disabled for all feeds together.

Green Heart Updated the admin for maps to support uploads in PDF format.

Green Heart Made an update to the navigation for the schedule tracks for schedules that are added as sub-menu items on the menu. An admin can now quickly access these tracks and edit visibility settings for them.
Green Heart Added the ability to reorder the leads menu items for 'My Leads' and 'All Leads' on the menu.

Green Heart Improved navigation logic that now keeps admins on the registration sections page after saving edits. Previously it would bring admins back to the list view of the website builder page.

Green Heart Improved navigation logic that now keeps admins on the survey details page after saving edits. Previously it would bring admins back to the survey list view.

User Travel
Green Heart Made some smaller design improvements to the user travel page display for a better viewing experience of a user's travel information.
Green Heart Introduced a tab design that displays a user's upcoming/happening now travel plans and occurred travel separately.