New Updates for Week of April 24, 2023

Please find below a list of our latest updates that are now LIVE.

Green Heart Added the option to create different section headers for your analytics dashboard pages.

Green Heart Made an update to not show appointment saved views across multiple events or companies.
Green Heart Added check-in date and time columns to the Attendance Status Report, for more detailed reporting.
Green Heart Updated the logic so that when you view someone's availability for appointments, the appointment time duration set in the admin will be the default shown. Before, it was always set to show 15 minutes and the duration would stay at 15 minutes even if a different time was the default selected.
Green Heart Added a help guide to the appointments edit form to help explain what the different fields do.

Green Heart Made improvements to the copy displayed to users who want to book a company appointment. Now, depending on the situation, they'll see clearer and more helpful information if appointment slots aren't available.

Green Heart Displaying schedule items that customers are assigned to in the customer's engagement tab on their profile.

Green Heart Updated logic to the event manager role that now prevents them from being able to edit rooms or locations as this should only be something an admin can update.
Green Heart Added support for creating custom event check-in lists for your attendees and customers. Once created you can easily add the check-in lists to the menu via a custom menu item. You can choose from the main check-in list or any specific created check-in list.
Green Heart Created the event check-in list on the web, allowing event managers to easily check in their attendees and customers.

Lady Beetle Fixed a display issue with validation error for required fields on the onboarding screens for our users.

Green Heart Made it easier for you to log out of the platform! You'll now find the logout option in the top left-hand menu, making it much more visible than before when it was hidden in your profile.

Green Heart Added a new section to our final event reports that allows you to quickly and easily access and pull all the different check-in reports from one place, including the event, appointment, and schedule item check-ins.

Green Heart Added check-in reporting to our schedule reports, which are available both on the web and in the admin. You can download a comprehensive Excel report of all your schedule items, or individual check-in reports in PDF format.
Green Heart Improved adding of customers to schedule items on admin, to be able to search and add customers one by one. Previously we only supported the paste of customer emails.
Green Heart Made update to duplicating schedule items that now also allows for customers to be duplicated into the new schedule item.
Lady Beetle Fixed a display spacing issue when adding speakers to a schedule item on admin.