Schedule - Ask a Question (Admin Overview)

An overview on enabling and facilitating Ask a Question

Enabling Ask a Question

Within the admin site, visit Schedule in your event menu, then select options. Within options, the first option is Enable "Ask a Question":

Once you select "Enable Ask a Question", a few additional options will become available to you:

By selecting "Allow attendees to upvote submitted questions", you will enable the ability through Ask a Question for attendees to, you guessed it, upvote the questions that resonate the most with them.

By selecting "Make submitted questions anonymous", you will enable asked questions to be anonymous rather than displaying the attendee's name.

Asking Questions

When you enable Ask a Question, attendees will be able to view the details of the schedule item and select Ask a Question to begin asking their questions. They may ask their questions either through the Schedule Item details screen:

Or through the Options button on the event website:

The attendee may type in their question, then select Submit:

Up Voting

When upvoting is enabled, the attendee is able to select the heart icon to upvote to express that this question resonates with them:

Sending Notification for Attendees to Ask Questions

If you'd like to inform attendees that they may begin asking questions for a session, you may visit the Schedule Item in the admin, visit Asked Questions and there's an unusually large button that says "Send Notification to Attendees".

The platform will ask you if you are sure. We are working to make this pop-up less ominous looking:

This is the in-platform notification that the end user will see:

Viewing Asked Questions

As an admin, you will be able to select Options button from the Schedule Item Details or the Options button from the listing of Schedule Items and select Copy Ask a Question Presentation View URL

The Copy Ask a Question Presentation View URL will display the following website URL:

You may control the background image for these URLs from Event Set-Up - Images using the Presentation Views Image (Live Polling, Ask a Question, Leaderboard)