How to set an Event Manager role

Have many events but only want to give access to a one or more of them to an event manager? You can accomplish this by setting a user as an Event Manager.
Do to this first find the People menu at the top of your administration site screen and then select Users.
Note: You must be an Administrator in order to change a person's role.

Next, search for the person you wish to make an Event Manager. You can search by email or name. Click on the user to open up their account information.
Next navigate to Account Information on the left menu.

Now change their Role to Event Manager.

Once you're done, click Save.
Now to enable the Event Manager you just selected to have access to your event. Navigate to the event you wish to give them permission to access and click on Event Configuration.

Now scroll to the bottom of your screen and add the intended manager's email or name to the following field.

Once added, click Save.
You're all done! Now this user will only have access to the event you specified.