New Updates for Tuesday, January 5, 2021

An overview of this week's web and admin updates

Green Heart Addressed some feedback and issues to messaging within Symphony.
Green Heart Implemented the ability to view a list of all participants of a Symphony with a new Participant menu item. Anyone can see who is part of a meeting, who has video/audio controls, It also allows a host to promote any participant to 'panelist' granting them video/audio controls.
Green Heart Updated the display within the Presentation menu when there is no content added.
Green Heart Removed the Symphony Menu Item for All User Types from the Admin site in order to direct all creation and editing of a Symphony within Web.
Green Heart Updated designs of our login pages and forgot password screens. For Event login pages we added a button to 'Register' for the event if the event is public. We also added Event details so the attendee knows they are in the right spot.
Lady Beetle Fixed an onboarding issue when logging in to show the events list full screen and not show a blank left-hand menu.
Green Heart Updated Direct Messages to always show in the Messaging Menu even if a user has no active DMs.
Green Heart Fixed some details on how Schedule items display dates and speakers info.
Green Heart Added image specifications information for company logos and hero images.
Green Heart Added the ability for partial search results for company name and added search ability for titles.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that required page refresh when adding new collection, now it shows instantly after saving.
Live Feed
Lady Beetle Updated Live Feed Options to show the ability to 'Add To Top Moments' for your own posts.
Event Management
Green Heart Renamed 'Configuration' to 'Events Team' and moved Language settings to the Details setting.
Green Heart Moved the Locations and Room Menu items into the Event Setup Menu
Green Heart Updated the Speakers list view columns showing the most important info at a glance.
Green Heart Adjusted some copy when adding a Speaker on admin to better reflect who can be added as Speaker.
Green Heart Updated the copy for our notifications options in the admin for more clarity.
Green Heart Updated the push notification copy for the reminder notification that is sent 5 minutes before a schedule item begins.
Green Heart Added the ability for a superadmin to view a list of all assigned events for a user within their user profiles.
Green Heart Improved the Compete details page in admin with updated copy for each section and moved some things around for clarity.
Green Heart Added a column to show the scoring type and number of competitions within a Compete.
Green Heart Updated our Support options in the header combining our Knowledge Center and our Live Chat support as drop-down options within the admin site.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue with pulling in Messaging analytics into our Event Reports.